Rooms & Rates
Bed & Breakfast
Horses & Riding
Riding Instruction
Horse Motel
Trail Riding
Horse Vacations
Things To Do


Call or e-mail for more information

12889 S. Parker Ave.
Pine, CO  80470


Credit Cards Accepted

Am I Too Old to Learn to Ride?

At Anchorage Farm, we have given lessons to people in their 70’s and taken 80-year-olds on trail rides.  The bulk of our adult dressage students are people in their 50’s, some in their 60’s.  If you can get on a horse (and don’t weigh more than 230 pounds), we can teach you to ride!

Sixty's not too old to ride!We can help you develop the suppleness and strength that you need to ride well.  We can build confidence.  (Even thirty-somethings say they don’t have the bravado they had in their youth.  This is a good thing!)

Dressage competition, even on a warmblood horse, is not an unrealistic goal.  As a more mature person, you probably have more time than you did when you were raising a family or pursuing a fast-track career.

You will find lots of support and compassion at Anchorage Farm.  What are you waiting for?  We can help you realize your dreams – whether you live nearby or faraway!


Calm your body.  Calm your mind.  Take riding lessons!

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Affinity Resources LLC